Friday 7 January 2011

Health and Safety - CS1 - P1

First before you read on any further into this blog you must know health and safety, by this I mean whenever you need to change something inside of a computer you must have an anti-static mat, an anti-static wristband and the cables to interconnect them. The reason for having this part of equipment is to prevent damage to your computer. The reason your computer may get damaged if you do not use this equipment is because you could have a slight positive or negative charge, and then when your touch the computer it could send that charge through the part of the computer and cause damage.
To use the equipment you must first lay the mat on a table or on the ground, it doesn’t matter. Then lay the computer on the mat, making sure you don’t touch anything inside until you’ve done the required steps. Then put on the wristband and attach the wristband to the mat, there should be somewhere on the mat where the clip attaches to. Then get the wire with the crocodile clip on, clip it to the mat the same way you did the wristband, then attach the crocodile clip anywhere on the casing of the computer. Then there should be one more wire, the last one will plug into the power supply in the wall and also into the mat. Once you have done all of these steps you are ready to start working on your computer.

Also, when you remove equipment from the computer you should always place them inside an anti-static bag, to prevent them from getting damaged.
Radioshack 2762370 Anti-Static Kit

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