Wednesday 16 February 2011

How will these utilities speed up my system? D1

How can software utilities speed up your computer?


Anti-virus software speeds up your system by eliminating the following problems:
-          Viruses, that cause the following issues:
o   Messing around with the settings of your computer so it is more difficult to use.
o   Someone planting a virus on your computer and causing it to run slowly, because the software is using up all of your RAM space.
o   Someone planting a virus onto your computer and using it to take over your computer.
o   If someone plants any sort of virus on your computer that needs to run in order for them to use it, this will take up your RAM space and make your computer slower.
These things are the reason why you should always have some sort of software that protects you against viruses, so it will keep your computer running at its fastest.


Having a firewall will speed up your system because it will stop any unauthorised connections from connecting to your computer, by the use of ports. What this does is it blocks any connections that you don’t want, say for instance, if someone tried to hack into your computer they wouldn’t be able to do it because there are only certain ports that will be open, these ports will allow you to use the applications that you want to. Not to be hacked, and if they hack you it can slow down the performance of your computer. This is why you should always have a firewall.

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