To start off with I will explain the most important part of a computer, this is the motherboard. The motherboard is the heart of a computer, without a motherboard the whole computer wouldn't be able to run. The motherboard is more than just the main arteries of a computer, it is what every single other thing in the computer is connected to. The Hard Drive is connected to it, the RAM is connected to it, and the Graphics Card is connected to it. The motherboard is a square/rectangular, and it is the first thing you would see when you taking the casing off of a computer, everything is run through the motherboard; you have things called CMOS and BOIS on your motherboard chipset.
The BOIS is where all of the computer specifications are kept, so when you start up your computer system and press the key to go into the setup, the BIOS is what tells you how much RAM, what graphics card you have, how big your hard drive is, and all of the important information that you may need to know about your computer system, the CMOS on the other hand is what information like settings that you have changed on the BIOS, so if you were to change the settings this is where it has been saved, if you were to forget passwords you have saved or the settings where altered wrongly this is what you need to do, you need to turn of your system and unplug it. Then open the case so you can see the motherboard, then somewhere on the motherboard there will be a battery, this can usually be located in the middle of the motherboard, what you need to do is either remove the battery or you can move the jumper over to the left for 5 seconds and then move it back, doing this will delete all of the saved memory on the CMOS.
The motherboard is also the thing where all of the power that is needed to run all of the other hardware runs through, so meaning if they motherboard was to break or stop working then so would everything else in the computer, a motherboard is the main component that you need to run a computer system, and you wouldn’t be able to do this without the motherboard, the motherboard looks really complicated and complex, but it’s not that at all, the main components are in further posts. this is what a motherboard looks like:
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