This part of the computer system is vital if you want to have access to the internet, or if you wish to connect your computer up to someone else’s, a network card is something that can come built into the computer or it can be sold separately, you should check the back of the computer for an Ethernet port before purchasing a network card, below is a picture of a what an Ethernet port looks like, so you know what you are looking for.
An Ethernet port basically connects you and someone else together, by the use of Ethernet cables, you can also connect to the internet by using this method, if you are connecting to the internet this way then you will have to have a special modem to convert the digital signals that your computer sends into signals that the lines can handle, which are analogue, without a Ethernet port it would make it more difficult for you to communicate using your computer system.
If you don’t have an Ethernet port built in with your computer then you can simply just insert one into an available PCI slot, like you would with the graphics card, so don’t panic if you can’t see an Ethernet port, as you can install one.
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