Wednesday 25 May 2011

How the configurations in P6 made the system more appropriate for a specific purpose – M3

There are many things that I have done in order to make this system more appropriate for a specific purpose, or a specific person. Some of these are as follows:
Left and right mouse buttons
By swapping the right and left mouse buttons over, I have made this system usable by people who are left handed, or for the people who are disabled and do not have the use of their right hand, by doing so I have made it easier for left handed people to use a computer system, as they would have to use their mouse in their left hand.
You change this setting back easily, by going back to where the settings for the mouse are and un-checking the box, it will then revert back so you can use the mouse in the right hand again.
Power saving options
By changing the power options I can make this system more appropriate for a specific purpose or for a specific person. Say for instance someone needs there computer monitor to stay on for less time to save power, then they can change how long it stays on, you can change it from 15 minutes to 5 minutes for instance.
Another thing that you can do in the power saving options is to make the system go to sleep or hibernate earlier, for instance if you are leave you computer for a certain amount of time and you forget to switch it off, then the computer will turn itself off, or hibernate or it will go to sleep. By using this feature you could be saving yourself some money as your computer won’t be left on by accident.
Screen resolution
You can adjust the screen resolution, in order to fit your display monitor, obviously, the bigger your computer screen is the more pixels you will need to fill the screen with. And if your display monitor is smaller you will need less pixels to fill the screen, and for the most possible details you want the most possible pixels to be displayed on the screen.
This can also be altered if your resolution setting is too high and not all the pixels are shown on screen then you can reduce the resolution in order to make everything fit, it can also be used to change the pixel settings for different output methods, EG if it connects to a TV it will need to produce more pixels, than if it has to connect to an ordinary computer monitor, this can be altered at any time to suit anyone’s needs.

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