Monday 23 May 2011

Undertake routine maintenance tasks on a computer system - P8

For this task I am going to show you how to undertake routine maintenance tasks in order to keep your computer system running at its best, and the two things I have chosen to show you how to do is:
- Defragmentation
- Deleting Temporary Files

By doing these tasks on a regular basis you will be speeding up how fast your system runs as it will not need to have to search the whole disk for one file in the system as it has been having a regular defrag, and it will no longer have unnecessary Temporary files therefore giving you more Hard Drive space to save things that you actually might need.

First I will show you how to do a Disk Defragmentation, and first you will need to find this which can be located by going Start > All Programs > Accessories > System tools > Disk Defrag, an image that shows you how to get there is as follows:

Once you have clicked this you will get the following screen:

Now you will have to click 'analyse' for the computer to check and see how much of your hard drive is fragmented, after it has finished this you can now click on the button next to it that says 'defrag' and then the following screen will come up and your disk will be defragmenting:

Once you have done this and the computer has finished your hard drive will be successfully defraged.

Next I will show you how to do a disk cleanup in order to delete any unwanted temporary files you may have saved on your computer.
First you will need to go start > all programs > accessories > system tools > disk cleanup, a picture of this is as follows:

After you have clicked this the system will analyse the possible files that are not needed on your computer and can be removed to free up hard drive space, a screenshot is shown below:

After the computer has finished checking what can be deleted you will get the following screen, this will give you options to what things you want to delete and the things that you want to keep:

Since I want to delete any temporary files that I don't need, I have only ticked the boxes for 'temporary Internet files' and 'temporary files, and when I click next, the following screen will appear:

The system is now deleting the temporary files that I do not need, and by doing so, clearing up hard drive space.

These are just 2 of the many maintenance tasks that you can do in order to keep your system running at its full potential.

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